First, please let me start out by saying how humbled I am at the response from yesterday's post. Holy Christmas! :) What awesome feedback! I was actually a wreck, choked up again and again at every comment that was left, every like that was clicked - and that is a good thing. :) Some people took the time to send a private message too - and to all of you who prayed, wrote, sent a message - even just thought about us, I am so grateful for your sweetness and compassion. It means a great deal to me that we have so much support and love surrounding us - it just feels good. To know there is that much care surrounding you, it actually feels like a tangible thing, like a wall holding you up and protecting you. Maybe that sounds silly, but it's an amazing feeling having that many people reach out to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your well wishes and prayers, they give me so much strength and hope for his future.
So, after that serious post yesterday, and because I'm behind on what I wanted to post today (I have about 3 posts half-way written!) I'd like to flip back the switch to a fun and fluffy one for today. :) Sorry for the lame quickness, but after the collective emotional sigh I had after Braden's appt, a stomach flu filled the gap - then my husband went out of town yesterday morning... I am better today, which is awesome, but the dishes piled up in the kitchen are not, lol. :) But today's post will help me, so I ask that you bear with me!
Today, I want to know about you. Yes, you!! I have always been curious about who reads this blog - whether it be friends, family, fellow photogs or past/potential clients, friends of friends, silently tagged new friends, well - I guess we can say it, you're all friends now, lol! But I would love to know what drew you here, and why you read. It will help me to in how to know what to post here, who I am targeting this cosmic noise to, and who would get the most benefit out of what.
Oh, I'll continue to post my sessions first and foremost, but also the personal stuff and share my inspirations, my philosophical thoughts and my feelings on the journey too, but I would love to know what you like to read, or just how you ended up here. Please leave a comment if you feel so inspired to - I would love to know how we connected and what you've been liking, and maybe even what you'd like to see in the future, it would be a huge insight for me just knowing how you hear me (are you a photographer, client, friend, family?) and will help steer the future content on the blog. I'm learning so much on this 30-day challenge, but I am curious most recently about how my content affects my readership, and I'd love to know what you think.
In Marketing-speak, I think this means I am trying to get an old-fashioned handle on my demographics... :)
I would be thrilled and giddy if you left a comment!
hint, hint. :)
Thanks, everyone... I truly appreciate your help in 1. satisfying my curiosity, and 2. helping me to talk more effectively, something I really need help with. Duct tape is my next best option. :)
Christine wuz here :)
I like to read everything and I love to see photos!
I'm reading this cuz I LOVE your way with words!!!!! (And cuz I LOVE you too!!!!) You transport me right into your's like reading a mini-novel every day. Keep it up, Cheryle---your talent is obvious. Aunt Roey
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