Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Little Miss Em

Emerson is Elizabeth's youngest, only 6 months older than our kids, so we are looking forward to them all being very close, very soon!  I am psyched that Alex has another girl to play with, since we are so not trying for another.  ;)

It was kind of an accident to have her end up in some of these shots - we had planned to take a few of the "adult" women in the house, but since she hung out for a few minutes, I just had to take a few of the interaction and luckily, some came out!  Her and Beth are so adorable together.

I would have loved to keep some of the ones with the blue hat on in color, since they brought out her big, blue eyes so well...but these were all calling for black and white, so I listened...










I can't wait to get some shots of Ethan and Ella, and maybe some of you and Mike?  I love that you are so good at being "practiced" on!  

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