Erin's idea for a shot because she always does this to Jimmy - isn't it the cutest thing?
Another paper texture behind:
Another ring shot!
A cool motion blur effect around them...please don't ask me how I did this! I think I know, but need some practice with this neat technique! Not intended...but cool.
I think this one may actually be my absolute favorite of the whooooole dang shoot:
I think that's finally it! :D I had so much fun during the shoot with these guys, they were a blast and so willing to go anywhere - wet grass, buggy fields, dirty barn, etc... - and were such great sports about the time it took. I am so happy for you and can't wait to see what married life brings for you both! Love you guys. :)
A bonus was that I also discovered and learned a great deal about shooting and post processing in the RAW mode of the camera, which is awesome, by the way... I love to be able to manipulate most aspects of the picture afterward; to have the option anyway - another safety net for me as a newbie - but you can do some really cool things with it too!
Another high note...the business has now stepped up another "official" rung... For those of you that didn't know... I have been using my mother's camera since the beginning. She has graciously allowed me to keep it here at the house to "practice" and learn, and I will always be eternally grateful for that. It is what allowed me to start and learn that I could actually be good at this someday! We never would have been able to afford a camera that *may* have been a business expense someday, so it allowed me to do this, risk free. And that is a HUGE thing.
For my birthday, between my parents and Mike and a great deal on Amazon...I now have my very own Fetching Prints Camera...and an awesome Canon Professional Pixma printer to boot.... I am ordering a very inexpensive but worthy 50mm/f1.8 lens this week, and that should start off my business with a bang! I am beyond excited....I feel so blessed and guided and cared for...and Thank you, Mom and Dad and Mike....for the support in so many ways...and the incredible boost you have given me. It's absolutely priceless.
So......again....Here I come! And's official. :)
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