I have a Senior photo shoot with the lovely Jordan this afternoon, but I will be working on maternity, vacation and senior photos after that! Ya-hoo!
For now, I have more pics of the kids - they are getting so big! Cole and Alex actually had fun with this - B-Man wanted nothing to do with me and the camera...but that could be because he is cutting his 2-year molars. I'd like to think he doesn't have an aversion to the camera! :)
I took a few pictures with the intent of giving them to the grandmas...portraits of the kids that showed what they looked like and not just cool artsy shots so they could show them off...but there are a few included of those artsy ones too. Some are also to send to Fisher Price, since we have been asked to send some in to see if the kids would be suited to a photoshoot there. Their cousin ended up on a few packages back when he was this age, and I remember thinking what a cool memory/experience they were preserving for him - to be on a toy package! So, we'll see where that takes us. Maybe they will be cooperative enough to be included.... :)
I was wowed by just how blue their eyes are getting, but some of them looked great in black and white too - so, I am including the large amount of colors today and then tomorrow I will post the black and whites separately, since they are so different and cool in their own way - tell me what you think! Prepare...this is a LONG one!
Braden (for not cooperating, I certainly got the MOST from him! Weird.)
1 comment:
Oh my gosh!!!! There isn't even a word invented yet that can describe how beautiful these pix are!! How blest you are to have 3 such perfect subjects to practice your skills on. Luv u all.
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