I was having a blast with Simon (a spunky black lab), Sadie (a super sweet golden retriever) and Riley (of course, Sara's infamous great dane!). Here are some of the shots we got on that drizzly, wet day a few weeks ago - thank you again to the loving parents of these sweet doggies, for braving the rain with me and not laughing at me too hard when I was laying on the ground to capture these shots. I am a goof, I know! But I am loving every.single.minute.of.it. ;) Thank you for letting me into your lives!
Details: If I were a "pro", which I am not just yet - I would have rules for myself, one of which is that I would get the proofs up in a timely manner and they would go up all at once. BUT, since I am still a learning newbie, I am choosing to put these up as I go along. It works as motivation for me to keep plugging away and it also feeds a bit at a time to the parents of my new best friends, so they don't have to wait so long! ;) I will try to do them in themes, so here are some of the shots we got by the trees...
Is that tree not GORGEOUS??!
I love this one, with Simon as the focus!
I think this one is my favorite, with that buttery, purple blooming background - it's almost like a painting!
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